Being connected to your Republican party is very important if you want to be considered a bona fide Republican.
The "bona fide" status means a conservative shows consistent Republican voting and is active and/or a donor in the Republican community.
We hope our website gives you the information you need to get involved and to vote for Republican candidates.
Time to
Every two years all county parties must "reorganize" for the following two year term. Reorganization basically means electing a new Chairperson and four other new officers. At the January meeting the executive committee voted to hold our reorganization to elect new officers on Thursday March 27th at 7:00 pm. The meeting will be held at our regular meeting location, 635 Hillcrest Street in Clinton (Clinton Church of God fellowship hall). As required by the State GOP a Contest and Credentials Committee has been appointed which will handle registration and other details of the meeting. Please attend. It would be great to have a BIG turnout!
Qualifications to participate:
Any Republican wishing to participate must meet these qualifications:
Must be properly registered to vote in Anderson County Tennessee
Must have voted as a Republican three out of the last four Republican primary elections. Those dates are August 2020, August 2022, March 2024, and August 2024
Only those who qualify to participate will be allowed to be present on the floor during the Reorganization meeting.
Any Republican who is too young to have voted in three of those last four elections must have approval of the State Republican party. The Contest and Credentials Committee will assist in acquiring that approval.
If a person's qualifications are determined to be insufficient then the Contest and Credentials Committee should have your pre-registration no later than March 20 so there is time to meet additional requirements on the committee and pre-registrant. Please register early.
To register you may use any of these methods:
email the Contest and Credentials Committee at acgopcc@proton.me, or
reply to this email with your name. address, phone number, and email address, or
text or call Myra, the county chairman at 865-712-8027
use this QR code to register online
Anyone who would like to run for the position of Chairman must submit your name, address, phone number, and email address with a statement notifying the Contest and Credentials Committee of their desire to be placed on the list of chairman candidates. This MUST BE DONE no later than March 20th, seven days prior to the reorganization. Other officers may be nominated from the floor at the reorganization. Those other officer positions are Vice Chair (must be opposite sex from chair), Secretary, Treasurer, and Vice Treasurer. The county executive committee consists of five other positions which are not elected at this meeting.
This committee will be responsible for registering Republicans who wish to participate in the Reorganization meeting. The committee's meetings will be open to the public as they fulfill the duties of the committee leading up to the Reorganization. Committee members are Anthony Allen, Richard Burroughs, Dale Crank, Matthew Pazdorko, and Steve Poppick. Their first meeting will be held this Thursday, February 6th at 7:00 pm in the back meeting room at Shoney's in Oak Ridge, 204 S. Illinois Avenue. At this meeting the committee will choose a chairman and will set a meeting schedule for the next six weeks.
If you have any questions not answered here feel free to reach out. We are here to serve the great Republicans of Anderson County, Tennessee!
Anderson County Republican Party Executive Committee
Myra Mansfield, chair
Tim Isbel, vice chair
Debbie Heaton, secretary
Rickey Rose, treasurer
Keith Copeland, vice treasurer
Anthony Allen, chair emeritus
Terry Frank, state executive committeewoman
Tim Hutchison, state executive committeeman
Lucas Heaton, county Young Republicans chair
Amy Poteet, county FRW

Anderson County School Board
District 7
Rhenda Asbell, RN
Write-in Republican Candidate
District 7 includes voting precincts at Glenwood, Pine Valley, and Highland View schools. Rhenda Asbell is a Navy vet. She is married with one child, and has been an RN for 27 years. Her values are definitely conservative and she doesn’t like what she sees in our country anymore. She's more for the little guy than big government or corporations and will honestly have your children’s best interest in mind.