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September 22, 2024

By Chairwoman Myra Mansfield


     "Why vote for Trump" you ask, "when he has such a big mouth and bully demeanor?" 

Well, I would love to persuade you to understand why this is one of the most critical elections we've ever seen and Trump must be elected whether you or me like him or not.

     1. Donald J. Trump is the Republican nominee. The 30% of us who are red through and through will always vote for the Republican candidate even if we see that person as the lesser of two evils. I remember the 2012 election when Iowa erroneously declared Mitt Romney the winner over Rick Santorum. I was sickened. I don't claim to have great sensibilities about candidates but I KNEW Romney could not become president. I call him a marshmellow because he is too squishy. Winners are people like Trump who have backbone and guts! I felt that Santorum had a better chance of actually winning. Sadly people often get duped by squishy political types. As for me, the Republican platform best represents my values and I vote Republican even when I know my candidate won't win. 

     2. Donald J. Trump has a proven track record. He has been president for four years and we saw how he helped our economy, border security, and foreign affairs.

     3. Donald J. Trump will stop these wars and the reckless spending associated with them. I personally believe foreign affairs should be one of the highest priorities of this election. The current administration, VP included has done nothing but sit back and play politics. A man like Trump will brilliantly play a strategic negotiation to end these wars. I do not want any of the young men in my family to be drafted. If they want to join the military that is very honorable but I do not want any of them to be forced to fight senseless wars. Bring our money back home!

     4. Donald J. Trump is a highly successful businessman and understands the economy. Now some of you might think he has done some questionable things over the years but in comparison to the wimpy woman who is the other choice on the ballot it is obvious that we need the expertise of a successful billionaire who isn't in it for the money. He's in it out of LOVE FOR AMERICA!

     5. Donald J. Trump is crumbling the foundation of the liberal agenda. Piece by piece we've watched all year as one group after another has decided to endorse Trump or to remove their endorsement from the Democrat ticket. As for abortion, I agree we should leave it to each individual state to determine their course of action. I've served in a pro-life center most of my career counseling young women in the throws of a crisis pregnancy. I have learned by working with hundreds of women that ABORTION HURTS THE WOMAN! I have come to this conclusion through knowledge and I do think we need more public pro-life education. I love that Tennessee has chosen to make abortion illegal here.

     So, those are just five of the reasons to VOTE FOR DONALD J. TRUMP! Even if you don't like him it is crucial to vote Republican down the ticket! IT'S FOR AMERICA!




August, 2024

By Chairwoman Myra Mansfield


     Can you remember a more dramatic election season than we are seeing right now? Of course, everyone knows that Trump is the Republican candidate for president. The lawfare and two failed assassination attemps remind us of the serious need for our continued stance against evil.​​ 

​​     On August 1st the Republican party took the majority seats on Anderson County Board of Education now holding five out of eight seats! Changes in state law two years ago made it possible for the November ballot to feature Mary Crank running as the first-ever Republican for Oak Ridge Board of Education. Two candidates are running as first-ever Republicans for Clinton Board of Education - Debra Heaton and Joey Smith.

     Local city councils run only as Independents. However, Oak Ridge City Council ballot will include a much needed female named Ruth Pless Rizzie. On this council Democrats hold 6 out of 7 seats among them being 6 out of 7 men. That is not a fair representation of the population of Oak Ridge. Rizzie if elected can begin bringing more balance. For you who live in Clinton, Oliver Springs, Rocky Top or Norris we will gladly help you choose who will get your vote if you will email




January, 2024



Because the August 1st election is being challenged for illegal Democrat crossover voting the question came to the forefront as to how someone becomes what is called a "bona fide" member of the Republican party. Two considerations are given and both must be met. First is the voting history of individual persons. The last four primary elections are reviewed which include March/May and August elections. It is noted whether a voter chooses a Republican or Democrat ballot at the voting precinct. This establishes the voting pattern. Secondly is whether a person is "active" in the party. To qualify as active a person should participate regularly in monthly party meetings or make a substantial contribution to the party as a volunteer or donor. We always appreciate financial support and regular attendance at meetings on the third Thursday of each month, 635 Hillcrest Street in Clinton.


YOUR DONATION: During the 2022 election cycle your local Republican party was able to gain a dozen elected seats in Anderson County! It didn’t come easy or cheap. Looking toward this year’s potential gains we have launched a Donor Membership Drive for 2024. So far the party has added three more new Republican seats in the county this year. Now we are looking toward November at which time we must hold on to our seat in the State House, hold Marsha Blackburn's seat, Chuck Fleischmann's seat and certainly must elect former president Donald J Trump to complete his second term. 


Will you please make a donation to fund these Republican Wins this year? We suggest an individual donation of $47.00 representative of electing the 47th President. If you would like to have your whole family represented as a donor member maybe you will want to consider a donation of $101. However, any amount will be greatly appreciated. Simply mail a check to ACRP, c/o Treasurer Rickey Rose, 2611 Dutch Valley Road, Clinton, 37716.  If you prefer to donate online simply  CLICK HERE FOR THE GOP WIN !!  We hope to see you next month!

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